Who We Are


We are privately owned and operated. We stand for teamwork, image, product and service. Our determination and pride have been instrumental in our quest to become one of the top franchises in Domino’s Pizza. We are goal oriented and have a group of great people on a mission to be the BEST!!

We have high standards and expectations! Our business is growing and expanding at a very quick pace. We still have fun. We still smile and laugh every day! We just do it with a little hustle and a lot of pride!

Dave Hess started in 1982 as a driver and worked several positions before becoming a Franchisee in Colorado with wife Sundy Hess. Sundy started with Domino’s in 1989. Mike rea started with Domino’s in 1990. 

We’re a brand that believes in people. We know good things happen when breakthrough ideas and winning attitudes come together. What’s life like within the Domino’s Brand? We thought you’d never ask. We have smart hustle and enthusiasm to spare. Not to mention a healthy appetite for competition. We’re passionate about doing our very best. There’s a lot of hard work that goes into making our brand better, from making sure you have a voice to recognizing contributions.